Board of Directors
The team
"Together we can do it!" is the motto of the Board of Management. The board sees itself as a team and decides and acts accordingly together and in coordination. The club is close to everyone's heart and they contribute their different experiences and expertise with great commitment. The club is visibly positioned on the competitive golf market by means of digitalization and a marketing concept. Youth work and nature conservation are very important and are regularly awarded prizes. Attractive offers are created for members so that everyone feels comfortable at the club and continues to enjoy playing golf at the Pinnau. Community is not just an empty word for us, but is also lived. This is also confirmed by the new members. The board of directors looks forward to welcoming you to the Golf-Club An der Pinnau.

Thorsten Käsler
1. Chairman

Uwe Watteroth
2. Chairman

Alexander Haering

Uwe Watteroth
Square chairman

Thomas Falter
Game leader

Frank Ehrich
Youth warden

Frank Schultz
House and yard

Dr. Joachim Griefahn
Honorary Chairman